Bantuan Skripsi Sastra Inggris Surabaya 2015
Thesis Counseling, Consultant and Mentor,
adalah Jasa Layanan dalam konsultasi, konseling dan membimbing skripsi yang terutama dalam jurusan Bahasa/Sastra Inggris
skripsi, bagi beberapa orang terkadang pada awalnya adalah hal sangat
menyulitkan karena dipermulaan akan muncul pikiran harus mengawali
dengan seperti apa, kemudian hal berikutnya adalah tidak tahu harus
menyatukan yang bagaimana atau seperti apa antara tautan ide satu dengan
ide lainnya juga menggabungkannya dengan teori yang telah dipilih.
hambatan terbesar tersebutlah yang sering datang ketika tiba saatnya
menyusun skripsi, terkadang pada beberapa bagian maupun ada saatnya
dibutuhkan bantuan untuk dibimbing agar skripsi yang disusun tepat
sesuai yang diinginkan atau sesuai dengan yang disyaratkan oleh pihak
yang nantinya akan menguji, entah dosen pembimbing maupun dosen penguji.
Ketika pikiran stagnan dan tidak tahu harus berbuat apa, sebenarnya ada beberapa langkah yang dapat diambil:
- Melihat
beberapa referensi skirpsi sejenis sebelumnya di koleksi kampus sendiri
atau dari universitas lain yang isinya sejenis, namun hanya sebagai
pemberi gambaran pola seperti apa saja yang harus ada didalam skripsi,
karena terkadang pola penyusunan memiliki kesamaan, hanya isi yang
berbeda sesuai yang akan dibahas oleh penulis skripsi sendiri.
- Meminta masukan dari dosen atau pihak – pihak angkatan senior yang telah melewati proses tersebut
- Mengambil
skripsi bisa dari : hal yang paling disukai atau hal yang dirasa paling
mampu ditangani, namun juga tidak mel;upakan bahwa dalam mengerjakan
skripsi harus objektif seperti menulis berita, tidak ada unsure keakuan
atau emosi yang justru menggiring isi skripsi menjadi seperti “I don’t
like the object because” namun sebaiknya menjadi “The object may find
controversy since…” karena pada bagian ini akan dirasa lebih dapat
diterima dan bersifat keilmuan
- Menghubungi pihak – pihak yang dirasa mampu membantu dalam membimbing seiring berjalannya penulisan skripsi.
dari hal hal diatas maka jasa bimbingan skripsi ini dibentuk, utamanya
untuk teman sesama mahasiswa yang berlatar belakang Inggris, seperti,
Bahasa Inggris maupun utamanya Sastra Inggris atau telah memilih jurusan
S1 Sastra Inggris – Literature / Sastra.
Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi :
0856 - 4880 - 1568
Bimbingan kami memiliki sistem metode pengajaran : Penyesuaian Tujuan
yg bertujuan untuk agar Pengajar menyesuaikan dengan Pelajar,
memberikan pengajaran yang cukup dan berarti agar nanti perlahan
perubahan signifikan terjadi dalam metode tersebut kemudian Pelajar
dapat memiliki kemampuan berjalan sendiri tahu yang harus dilakukan
tanpa harus terus menerus membutuhkan Pengajar.
Karena setiap pelajar adalah pribadi unik yang memiliki pola latar belakang pemikiran sendiri masing masing.
Dalam suatu contoh kasus pemahaman sederhana ada jenis orang yang dapat berpikir:
Angka 2 ditambah angka 3 menjadi angka 5
Namun, ada juga jenis pribadi dengan pola pikir :
2 Buah Apel ditambah 3 Buah Pisang menjadi total 5 Buah, 2 Jenis Buah, yaitu 2 Buah Apel dan 3 Buah Pisang.
yang biasanya timbul adalah membuat ide, dan bagaimana menyampaikan
kepada dosen, Pelajar mungkin sudah tahu dia berada di Titik awal A dan
akan menuju titik akhir B, namun belum mengetahui jembatan seperti apa
yang dia butuh buat atau bangun untuk menghubungkan Titik A dan B agar
dapat mengkaitkan sebuah ide atau gagasan.
Atau jembatan dan jalannya bisa saja sudah terbangun namun bingung memilih jalan mana yang harus dilalui.
Mengerjakan dan membimbing skripsi dapat diibaratkan bagaikan supir dan penumpang.
Berangkat dari titik A menuju titik B,melewati jalan mana, menggunakan kendaraan apa.
Pengajar akan berusaha memahami dan menyesuaikan dengan Pelajar,
bagaimana tingkatan pengetahuan Pelajar dan apa yang diinginkan dalam
pengerjaan skripsinya, kemudian memberitahu+membuka wawasan pelajar agar
pelajar suatu saat mengambil alih kemudi dan menjadi tahu juga bisa apa
yang harus dilakukan, tanpa terus menerus membutuhkan pengajar.
ketika sudah saatnya, penumpang bisa memiliki kemampuan menyetir dan
dapat menyupiri sendiri kendaraannya dan menuju ketujuannya yang
Untuk kelanjutan apakah Pelajar masih membutuhkan bimbingan dari Pengajar itu dikembalikan lagi kepada Pelajar.
Pelajar bisa memperoleh pemahaman yang cukup, untuk melanjutkan
pengerjaan skripsinya sendiri dengan lebih yakin dan percaya diri.
Contoh :
Permasalahan penyelesaian dibahas dengan cara apa/apa yang diangkat, menggunakan teori apa
Contoh :
cinta dalam cerita Romeo dan Juliet milik William Shakespeare,
mengangkat isu permasalahan persiteruan keluarga dalam campur tangan
nasib kisah asmara Romeo dan Juliet,lalu menggunakan teori yang
mendukung pembahasan tersebut.
Tarif pertemuan pertama, sekedar membahas sederhana judul dan teori yang telah diambil : Rp. 50.000,-
Bila membahas lebih dalam : Rp. 100.000,-
Bila langsung proses bimbingan penuh, 2-5 jam : Rp. 200.000;-
skripsi, dihitung 1 lembar halaman jadi, dengan ketentuan - rata atas
kiri 4, kanan bawah 3, spasi 2, font 12 New Times Roman : Rp.
berlokasi didaerah dekat Jawa Pos, Karah Kebon Agung, alias Jawa Pos
percetakan alias Jawa Pos Temprina, apabila lokasi tempat bimbingan
semakin jauh dari area tersebut, maka akan dikenakan penambahan uang
transport, bila melebihi perimeter atau , contoh, daerah Surabaya Utara
atau Daerah Setelah Bundaran Waru ke Selatan.
juga pelajar memilih waktu yang benar – benar kosong dan senggangnya
lama, tidak memiliki janji dan rencana keluar atau pergi, agar tidak
terburu waktu dan pembahasan detil dapat tercapai.
Proses pembimbingan skripsi tergantung juga dengan seiring bagaimana usaha yang terjadi.
untuk tidak menerapkan pemikiran mencari bukti bertambahnya pengetahuan
karena dikhawatirkan akan justru mengalihkan perhatian dari tujuan
inti, namun seiring proses berjalan diharapkan pemahaman tercapai.
ingin membeli wortel, ternyata wortel sudah habis atau tidak ada, tidak
dapat serta merta menyalahkan, namun mencari ke tempat lain atau
memesan dipasar yang sama dengan harapan esok stok wortel ada.
saya pribadi bukanlah serta merta pembuat keajaiban, dan juga karena
20an lebih orang yang saya bimbing selama ini sejak 2009 hingga sekarang
(Mei 2014), semuanya berhasil lulus sebagian besar karena perjuangan
hebat mereka sendiri yang tak pernah lelah, saya hanya membantu
mengarahkan dan membimbing mereka :)
tak dapat dipungkiri kadang mungkin bisa terjadi atau menemukan sebuah
cara yang tampak ajaib selama proses berjalannya bimbingan :)
Informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi :
0856 - 4880 - 1568
(I still haven't review and re check all translation explanation below yet, in middle of something, so just copy paste from Google Translate, -_-" , since it all originally from Indonesia Language which can be found after the English part over :) For the importance mostly of local Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia student, but I've also done take West Java university student who need my assistance )
Thesis Counseling, Consultant and Mentor,
Services are in consulting, counseling and guiding thesis mainly in the Department of English / English Literature
Thesis, for some people sometimes in the beginning is very difficult because it will appear at the beginnings of the mind must begin with what, then the next thing is not knowing what to unite the how or what the idea of a link with other ideas also combine it with a theory that has been selected.
Barriers is exactly what is often the biggest obstacle comes when it comes thesis, sometimes on some parts and there is time needed help to be guided so that the thesis prepared exactly as desired or as required by the party that will be tested, whether the supervisor and examiner .
When the mind is stagnant and does not know what to do, in fact there are several steps you can take:
- Seeing some kind of thesis reference previously in the collection of the university campus itself or any other similar contents, but only as a picture of the pattern as what must be in the thesis, because sometimes have the same pattern of preparation, different content appropriate only to be covered by author of the thesis itself.
- Ask for input from faculty or parties - the senior class that has gone through the process
- Taking the thesis can of: the most preferred or things deemed most able to handle, but also not forgetting that the thesis work must be objective as writing news, there is no element of selfishness or emotion that actually lead content of the thesis to be like "I don 't like the object because "but should be" The object may find controversy since ... "because in this section will be considered more acceptable and nature of science
- Contacting party - the party felt able to assist in guiding over the writing.
Departing from the things above, this paper established guidance services, primarily to fellow English student backgrounds, such as, English and English Literature major or have chosen majors S1 English Literature - Literature / Literature.
For further information, please contact:
Guidance we have a system of teaching methods: Adjustment Purpose
In an example of a simple understanding there are types of people who can think:
Difficulties that usually arises is making idea, and how to communicate to faculty, students may already know he is in a starting point and end point B will go, but do not know what he's like a bridge need for or wake to connect point A and B so that can relate an idea or ideas.
Working and guiding thesis can be likened like driver and passenger.
Thus, when it is time, passengers can have the ability to drive and own chauffeured vehicle and towards its destination desired.
Students are expected to gain sufficient understanding, to continue the thesis work alone with a more assured and confident.
Rates first meeting, a simple discuss titles and theories that have been taken: Rp. 50.000, -
Supervisor area located near the Jawa Pos, Karah Kebon Agung, aka aka Java Java Pos, Temprina printing, if the location where the guidance is getting away from that area, it will be subject to additional transport costs, when exceeding the perimeter or, for example, North Surabaya region or Region After Waru roundabout to the South.
Students are also expected to choose the right time - completely empty and in his spare time, do not have an appointment and plan out or away, so do not rush time and detailed discussion can be achieved.
Thesis coaching process also depends on how the business is happening along.
Expected to not apply the thinking seek evidence of increased knowledge because it feared would distract from the core purpose, but as expected the process of running an understanding is reached.
Because I personally was not necessarily a miracle maker, and also because the 20s more people who I've coached so far since 2009 until now (May 2014), all of them successfully passed largely because of their own great struggle that never tired, I just help direct and guide them :)
Although, there is no doubt sometimes might happen or find a way that seemed miraculous for the running direction :)
For further information, please contact:
Helping you are who stuck in looking for ideas
(I still haven't review and re check all translation explanation below yet, in middle of something, so just copy paste from Google Translate, -_-" , since it all originally from Indonesia Language which can be found after the English part over :) For the importance mostly of local Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia student, but I've also done take West Java university student who need my assistance )
Thesis Counseling, Consultant and Mentor,
Services are in consulting, counseling and guiding thesis mainly in the Department of English / English Literature
Thesis, for some people sometimes in the beginning is very difficult because it will appear at the beginnings of the mind must begin with what, then the next thing is not knowing what to unite the how or what the idea of a link with other ideas also combine it with a theory that has been selected.
Barriers is exactly what is often the biggest obstacle comes when it comes thesis, sometimes on some parts and there is time needed help to be guided so that the thesis prepared exactly as desired or as required by the party that will be tested, whether the supervisor and examiner .
When the mind is stagnant and does not know what to do, in fact there are several steps you can take:
- Seeing some kind of thesis reference previously in the collection of the university campus itself or any other similar contents, but only as a picture of the pattern as what must be in the thesis, because sometimes have the same pattern of preparation, different content appropriate only to be covered by author of the thesis itself.
- Ask for input from faculty or parties - the senior class that has gone through the process
- Taking the thesis can of: the most preferred or things deemed most able to handle, but also not forgetting that the thesis work must be objective as writing news, there is no element of selfishness or emotion that actually lead content of the thesis to be like "I don 't like the object because "but should be" The object may find controversy since ... "because in this section will be considered more acceptable and nature of science
- Contacting party - the party felt able to assist in guiding over the writing.
Departing from the things above, this paper established guidance services, primarily to fellow English student backgrounds, such as, English and English Literature major or have chosen majors S1 English Literature - Literature / Literature.
For further information, please contact:
0856 - 4880 - 1568
Guidance we have a system of teaching methods: Adjustment Purpose
Method that aims to so adjust with Student Teachers, provide sufficient teaching and means that significant changes occur slowly later in the method then Student may have the ability to walk alone know what to do without having to continually need Instructor.
Because each student is a unique person who has a background pattern of thought itself, respectively.
In an example of a simple understanding there are types of people who can think:
Figures 2 plus the number 3 into number 5
However, there is also a private type with mindset:
2 Apples plus 3 Bananas a total of 5 Fruit, Fruit 2 type, ie 2 3 Apples and Bananas.
Difficulties that usually arises is making idea, and how to communicate to faculty, students may already know he is in a starting point and end point B will go, but do not know what he's like a bridge need for or wake to connect point A and B so that can relate an idea or ideas.
Or bridges and roads could have been awakened but confused to choose which path to follow.
Working and guiding thesis can be likened like driver and passenger.
Departing from point A to point B, where the road passes, using any vehicle.
Beginning teacher will strive to understand and adjust to the students, how the level of knowledge of students and what they want in their thesis work, then tell + broaden students to school one day take over the helm and can be know what to do, without the continuous need of teachers .
Thus, when it is time, passengers can have the ability to drive and own chauffeured vehicle and towards its destination desired.
To continuation whether students still need the guidance of the teacher returned to the Student.
Students are expected to gain sufficient understanding, to continue the thesis work alone with a more assured and confident.
Settlement issues discussed in what way / what is removed, using the theory of what
The struggle of love in the story of Romeo and Juliet belongs to William Shakespeare, raised the issue of problems in the family fight fate intervened love story of Romeo and Juliet, and then use the theory that supports the discussion.
Rates first meeting, a simple discuss titles and theories that have been taken: Rp. 50.000, -
When discussing more in: Rp. 100.000, -
When the process of the full guidance, 2-5 hours: Rp. 200,000; -
Edit thesis, calculated 1 pages so, with the stipulation - left 4 flat top, bottom right 3, spaced 2, 12 New Times Roman font: Rp. 75.000, - / Sheet.
Supervisor area located near the Jawa Pos, Karah Kebon Agung, aka aka Java Java Pos, Temprina printing, if the location where the guidance is getting away from that area, it will be subject to additional transport costs, when exceeding the perimeter or, for example, North Surabaya region or Region After Waru roundabout to the South.
Students are also expected to choose the right time - completely empty and in his spare time, do not have an appointment and plan out or away, so do not rush time and detailed discussion can be achieved.
Thesis coaching process also depends on how the business is happening along.
Expected to not apply the thinking seek evidence of increased knowledge because it feared would distract from the core purpose, but as expected the process of running an understanding is reached.
Outlets, wants to buy a carrot, carrot turns already exhausted or no, can not necessarily blame, but look elsewhere or order the same market with the hope of tomorrow stock carrots there.
Because I personally was not necessarily a miracle maker, and also because the 20s more people who I've coached so far since 2009 until now (May 2014), all of them successfully passed largely because of their own great struggle that never tired, I just help direct and guide them :)
Although, there is no doubt sometimes might happen or find a way that seemed miraculous for the running direction :)
For further information, please contact:
0856 - 4880 - 1568
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